Arcade & Pinball Machine Repairs

Arcade & Pinball Machine Repairs Upgrades, Trade-ins & Sales

For all repair quotes, service, trade-ins and sales please call 0425292745 


Austin Amusements offers an arcade and pinball machine repair service from our Kingsgrove NSW warehouse or can arrange a technician to come to you. Prices start from $95 per hour including GST for in-warehouse repairs or we can come to you. To come to your house or business the hourly rate to come to customers location is $110 per hour including GST. Our charge time begins when we leave our warehouse at Kingsgrove NSW, service your machine and return to the warehouse. There is a minimum charge of $110 and we then charge in 30 minute blocks. This price does not include other repair costs or parts.

Our technition is trade qualified with over 25 years industry experience. We service arcade machines, pinball machines, driving cabinets, shooting gun arcade machines, Arcade1up machines, redemption arcades and more..


Interested in upgrading your arcade machine? Austin Amusements offers upgrades and a restoration/ reconditioning service of old arcade or pinball machines. At your location or in our warehouse.


We accept arcade and pinball machine trade-ins on new machine or parts purchases.

Contact Austin Amusements for more details. 


We also buy second hand machines in any condition or can sell your machine for you on consignment. Text images of your machine and a description of the condition to Steve on 0425292745. Let him know if you would like to trade it in for a new machine, sell it to us for cash or put it for sale on consignment. 

Contact Austin Amusements for more details. 

Phone: 0425292745


Instagram: @Austin_Amusements

Facebook: @AustinAmusements

Storage Fee:

Please not we are not a storage business. Once your machine service is finished and the customer has been notified we ask you to arrange pick up within 5-7 days. If you are unable to do so please contact us and something can be arranged. Please note there is a storage fee charged once you have been notified that the machine is repaired and ready for pick up. The storage fee will commence 10 days after you have been notified that the machine is ready for pick up. The storage fee charge is then $25 per day until collected. We unfortunately need all of the room in our warehouse and ask you to please pick up your machine as soon as possible once notified.

We thank you for your understanding.